I am Olivier, I have 20 years of experience as a musician, and about ten groups in my musical CV.
In 1999 my parents bought me my 1st bass, and I haven’t stopped playing in rock and metal bands since then. I learnt FL Studio and Reaper as an autodidact to bring added value to the projects in which I evolved, and never limited myself to the musician role.
I backed this experience with several training courses since 2020:
- “Pro Production System” by Jordan VALERIOTE of Hardcore Music Studio (https://hardcoremusicstudio.com/pps)
- “How it’s done with Will PUTNEY” / “Nail The Mix” (https://urm.academy)
- Member of the “Hardcore Mixers” and “URM Academy Producers Club” community
Taking these courses and being part of those communities have been ear, eye and mind opening. They deconstructed certain ideas I had, and gave me the keys to understanding how to produce professional quality sound, ready to be broadcasted on all platforms and all media.
With this knowledge and the different tools at my disposal in my home studio in Bordeaux, I will be able to find what makes your project special, maximize its potential and its impact on the listener.

Maximize your project potential